With the increase in demand of community food organisations, it is important, now more than ever, to shape the way we view, grow and use food in Hull.
That is why the Hull Food Partnership have developed an online Food Exchange Platform; so that as a city, we are able to become more sustainable. We aim to reduce food waste and simplify access to fresh food, helping community food organisations to receive the supplies they need to support the communities they serve.
Who We Are
The Food Exchange Platform was envisioned by the Hull Food Partnership, aiming to address how food is viewed and used in Hull.
Hull Food Partnership works to connect businesses, organisations and individuals across Hull and the surrounding area. Our activities are overseen by our chair and a cross-sector steering group. We employ a Development Officer and a Food Inequality Officer to work on specific projects that are funded by external parties. Hull Food Partnership is hosted by Rooted in Hull and governed by terms of reference.
Our Mission
With the assistance of Hull CVS, Hull Food Partnership has built an online platform from the ground up, specifically to improve and support the use of food in Hull. Our aim is to:

Reduce fresh food waste by minimising unsuitable food donations

Give local communities a voice in what food is provided through local food banks

Improve consistency with what food is available in food banks

Simplify the way in which food is donated to food banks and improve the effective use of donations